NYC had the first snow of this winter season last night and damn it was a lot. Tried to take a picture of how deep it was but you can't really tell. But I assure you it's definitely over a foot. I don't live in Manhattan so the plows don't come right away to clean up the streets so now I'm thankful for my jeep.
Most people here hate the snow but I definitely don't mind it when I wake up on a Sunday morning with nothing to do. Granted it did ruin my plans to go out on Saturday night but I treated myself to all day movie marathon. And the snow still looks pretty here bc it's so quiet and not that many cars drive through. I can just imagine what the city looks like now; probably all grey by now. I'm wearing my H&M pea coat, my fave high top chucks and of course Raybans.
You wouldn't believe I live in a beach town from these pictures.
Even though the streets weren't really plowed, I did get to see Avatar today hence the pic above of my sister in her rayban-like 3d glasses. I had been reading reviews that aside from the beautiful visuals the story sucks but Oh My Gosh!!! I am totally in love with this movie. I normally agree with critics (accept when it comes to a little thing called Twilight) but I really did love the story of the film. The entire time all I kept thinking about was Pocohantas and John Smith. The effects were absolutely breath taking to watch (not nauseating as I thought it might be with 3d) and I wish I lived on a planet like theirs. But really aside from the effects and the love story the whole back story and major plot of the film, I felt was brilliantly worked on and thought out. So if you haven't seen it, go! Oh and if you see the movie you'll know what the title means.