Friday, October 30, 2009


Hmmm dress like Rpatz? Was just browsing through one of my favorite websites Singer22 and came across this section with all What Goes Around Comes Around vintage pieces. I actually went to one of WGACA's events last year with my first internship. It was a private viewing of their collection that I had gotten invited to to go see and I instantly fell in love and not just with the mojitos they served. Almost all of their pieces are vintage and they rework them to give them some new life. Anyway While browsing their new featured section on singer I came across this lovely vest. And um hello...ddddddamn! Not only is this one of my fave rpatz photo shoots but the reworked vest is totally cool.

Even cooler when he's not wearing a tee shirt underneath. Yup totally embracing my obsession..not at all ashamed. ;)

So excited halloween is tomorrow. My bets girls and I will most likely be roaming around the village catching glimpses on the parade and bar hopping. Just finished making a cape for my brudder. She's going to be the Hamburglar. It's so funny. Can't wait for pictures and will definitely post.


Monday, October 26, 2009

Mmm F-ing Good

This weekend I decided to keep it mellow after last weekend's festivities. Friday night had a fun dinner with two of my girlfriends at a mexican restaurant that kinda became more of a lounger. Definitely not our scene but the guac was yummy and it ensured fun people watching (or rather just making fun of people...yea I'm still mean). Saturday was rain again so that left me having a movie day in bed which I will never complain about. Sunday the weather was absolutely gorgeous in the city so I gave my brudder a quick call and she agreed to accompany me to the local flea market that my friend's brother told me about. I'm not much of a Brooklyn person but I'm really glad I got to roam around the neighborhood. We literally discovered so many cool vintage shops. One which I put my name on some list to get invited to their Re-Opening Gala. And we also discovered the cutest garden, ie where I'm standing in the top picture.
I know I know flea markets are usually hit or miss and although I didn't really get anything I had so much fun browsing through all the clothes trying to find anything cool and rummaging through all the old records. I fell in love with one blazer with suede patched on the elbows but I was swimming in it. It was hard to part with. I did get the ring in the above picture however that is not my hand, that belongs to my brudder (we bought the same ring..umm friendship?). When asked about the two tone polish she said she was trying something. I busted out laughing especially since she specifically intended to only do her pointed finger and pinky in pink. I guess the rock on symbol huh?

After the flea market we were on the hunt for a quiet cafe. She in need of some coffee and me the two year old in need of hot chocolate preferably with marshmellows. Walking down some street we stopped at The V Spot, a vegan restaurant, where one of the waiters rushed out with a tray of food saying 'I guess you're waiting for the samples' haha umm yea..blushing. But damn those vegan empanadas were so yummy. Anyway we never ended up with our coffee and hot coco we were extremely picky for some reason. But overall it was a really fun day with my brudder and you should check out her blog to get her account of the day. I swear she's funny and you'll just drool over pics of her foodies.
Hope everyone had a good weekend

Friday, October 23, 2009

and i told you to be patient

Currently obsessing, thanks to TheFoodieDiaries, over Bon Iver. Especially the songs Skinny Love and Roslyn. The music is so mellow and relaxing; I can sit in bed all day listening. But would also prefer some of Foodie's baked goods to along with that. =)

Anyway been kind of slacking with posting. It was midterms week (which really has never bothered me before and doesn't now so I'm just kind of making up excuses) and work has been busy. And the weather in NYC has been playing tricks on me. One day it's freezing and then like yesterday it was 72 degrees. I also saw Paranormal Acitivity last night with the little sis and I never get scared in movies. I'll see anything and everything with no hope of being truly frightened but damn I literally jumped into my sister and may have shrieked a little. It's just so tense, I totally recommend it yet not right before you go to bed, that was my mistake.

Totally crushing on this Wang cardigan. Looks so comfy and cool. And is it weird I'm still crushing on the grey sweater (below) that was absolutely everywhere last season? Whatever I don't care. I like what I like.

Happy Friday! Hope everyone has a good wknd. I promised myself to keep low this wknd which I fully intend to do with no problem. I'm a bonafide hermit and always will be!


Sunday, October 18, 2009

Spooky Town

Craving craving this awesome spiked leather (spotted on jak and jill). I don't know I've been having a tough time finding some cool things with spikes for me. I really want some sort of spiked bracelet. Oh well. My little sister actually just bought a gorgeous studded leather jacket from Zara. It is SO not her and I really stress that. She's the more straight laced sister but I was so proud seeing her wear it. Big sister's proud. Anyway had a very long weekend with several birthday parties and too much rain (too much vodka too but ehh). I know I for sure didn't take any pictures so wherever they are roaming around on my friends' cameras...let just say I'm scared =/. One of the birthdays was last night at the old Buddah Bar which consisted of sushi, champagne, tiaras, bedazzled jewelry and fake tattoos. Yes I still have a heart on my wrist and a "princess" on my arm. Shameful I know. Once those pictures surface I will post.

But did manage to get this lovely one from my bff aka my brudder aka The Foodie Diaries. Taken before she decided to take a little nap on the games table (awesome bar played jenga and was upset when I missed out on candyland). Yea I won't embarrass you too much brud. But let me mention that this isn't the first picture we have of my biting her face. I guess she's absolutely delicioso! ;)


Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Only A Nibble

Need to sink my teeth into this sweatshirt asap! Sorry bad joke but yes Fangs are fantastic especially in the form of a comfy sweater such as this yummy Wildfox one from Singer22. I live in my smiley face sweatshirt from them. It's just so comfy and cheesy with all the faces but I love it. And hello a little over a month til New Moon comes out. Now does appreciation come any better than that? ;)...Well maybe I was considering ordering a pillowcase with EC's face on it. Ok no for real I did not I'm not that crazy. Only a little crazy. Sometimes I have to remember I'm not a teenager anymore. Ick! But seriously if you're into all the twi nonsense like I am you must check Death Cab For Cutie's new video Meet Me On The Equinox. Not only are the clips from NM to die for...I totally dig the song. It's mellow and not intense and definitely not cheesy. And most of you know I'm not the biggest music afficionado but trust me it's a chill song.

Saturday, October 10, 2009


Ugh note to self do not take self pics right when waking up. Yup I am still wearing my pj pants. Ha isn't the pairing of flannel pants and big fur gorg? Yea didn't think so. Anyway got this faux at target yesterday. Went there quick with mum and found this baby for 30 bucks. When I came home with it, my lil sister said "It looks like you just pulled a gorilla out of your bag!" Aw thanks Chels! It's kind of really fluffy so I'm still trying to think of what kind of shirt to put under it. In the pics I'm wearing my absolute favorite Nation LTD tee shirt. I'm thinking also just pairing it with a vintage harley tee underneath could work too. Suggestions are much appreciated. Also bought much needed fuzzy slippers and fell UP the stairs twice this morning. Yea that's not gonna work.
xx have a good wknd!

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Midnight Affair


I wish I wasn't so challenged when it comes to doing makeup. I would kill to be able to do a smokey eye and not look like a raccoon. It annoys me everytime I read an article in a mag giving you "simple" steps to do your own smokey eyes. Yea my ass! So my makeup routine is basically ALWAYS mascara, a little black powder liner, sometimes a little bronze shadow on my bottom lashes and bronzer. (Hoola by Benefit is a fave.) I don't even really do lipgloss for two reasons: 1-I find it difficult to find a color I like and 2-I'm way too addicted to my cocoa butter chapstick that it's second nature to me to just whip it out and rub it on my lips. I swear I have no idea I'm doing it sometimes. People think it's a gluestick..but fear not. Anyway found this photo and am seriously considering going out and getting some sort of plum lipstick. Which, according to my mom, is definitely my color bc she refers to me as a "winter". And since I can't do the smokey eye, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to put on lipstick and therefore my eyes can be bare. Hmm considering it. But definitely loving this photo and all the different shades of the color.


Saturday, October 3, 2009


Yup girl crush still entact! Reading the article and seeing the latest pictures from Interview magazine on Kstew made me love her even more. Yea her attitude is badass and can seem quite annoying and possibly contrived but I dig it. Wish I could just go through my days with an attitude of not giving a shit but I'm the epitome of a worrier. I try to hide it but my mind is constantly racing. Probably one of the reasons I don't sleep well (coughcough brud) and another reason why I must have my nails polished. Don't get me wrong I love manicured nails but I used to never care until I started biting my nails to death and having them polished is the only way to keep me from biting. Biting should be left for other things ;)

Must whip out leopard print coat this fall.

Just gives me another reason why I want my hair black.

Just hot!

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Faux Hawk

Some serious faux magic going on the Forever21 website including this awesome jacket. They really are always up to date with banging out the latest trends. I love the feel of leather so I'd much prefer real over faux here but hey for less than 50 bucks, don't think you can go wrong. I'm still such a walking contradiction with the fact that I love leather yet refuse to wear real fur. That's where my love for faux comes in. The faux fur vest they have on the website is cute. I actually tried it on but it's not long enough or I guess I just want some ginormous bath mat looking vest.

But the faux leather mini skirt on the site is adorable and I'd probably go for faux in that since it's such a trend. However a leather jacket never goes out of style which is why it's such a piece to invest in. I plan to wear my moto jacket I got made for me in Florence till death and if that doesn't work I'll have to get my uncle to make me another one (he owns a leather distributing company). And like I said a few posts back damn F21 for updating their jewelry section. There are such cuter pieces now than the ones I ordered. Guess that means I just need more.
